Artificial intelligence replacing leadership?

Let's face it people, artificial intelligence is here to stay. Most of us have already embraced the fact, that artificial intelligence will replace jobs with repetitive tasks. Many robots are already today playing a crucial role in manufacturing processes. By combining quantum computing with the artificial intelligence level we have already today there is no doubt that we will be able to build or create an individual robot which can imitate human behaviour almost perfectly.

I recently came across the following article which is implying, that artificial intelligence indeed might be capable not only to replace repetitive or algorithmic tasks but also managerial or leadership tasks:

"How Artificial Intelligence Will Take Over and Change Leadership as We Know It!"

Please, read it for yourself.

Now, what exactly is leadership?

It's a tough question. One can apply leadership basically everywhere, that's why it is so hard to find common ground on the definition. But let's start with the following diagramms:

We all know Star Trek, right? So we should be all familiar with Data, the super intelligent Android. Let's take this little fellow as an example for an inidividual who would be placed in a leadership position.

Data can indeed tell people what to do. He can analyze the situation and, based on the algorithms he has in his head, he then can draw conclusions and act accordingly. Looking further at the actual split up of leadership, I'm pretty sure Data would be capable to fullfill most of the tasks, maybe his algorithms will even go so deep as to tell him how to act to mimik some sort of empathy. BUT: What ever he does, he will always lack one thing, which is one of the caterpillars of leadership: Authenticity. Yes, he will be able to formulate a vision and a mission, maybe even with some sort of charisma behind it. But is he in the same boat as the family man who has to bring his daughter through college? Or the recent graduate who is worring about paying out his loan for university? He is not sitting in the same boat. Can he claim that "we all pull at the same string" ? No, he cannot. He doesn't know the daily struggles of life his team members have to deal with. Does he have to pay rent? Maybe. But does he need to buy food or does he feel the urge to go on vacation? I seriously doubt it.

Why would you follow somebody like that? Why would you trust a person like that? Correct, you would not.

Leadership is not only providing fair feedback based on KPIs. Leadership is mostly leading by example, and you cannot serve as an example if you are not sitting in the same boat. Indeed, you are not even playing on the same team.

Let's have another look at the following graphic:

This pyramid presents the main reasons for quitting, or the so called quite quitting. The basis of the pyramid consists of trust. A leader builds trust on authenticity among other things. If the basis of this pyramid is not really stable because of a lack of authenticity then achieving the rest is not possible.

Finally even google is sceptical about leadership being replaced by artificial intelligence:

Data is a great support to the team and supports the Captain with valuable information if needed, but there is a reason why Data was never sitting in the chair and shouting "Engage!" (correct me if I'm wrong ;) ).

Let me give you another real life example for leadership, which would present some difficulties to artificial intelligence. I love chilli. And I'm talking about chilli con carne. Once every quarter I'm inviting my team to my place for a chilli and some wine to talk about business and exchange each other about our private lifes as well. This brings a strong basis of trust to the team. This really shows, that we sit in the same boat. While enjoying our meal we can also easily talk about everything in a relaxed atmosphere.

Another example is baking. Every month I'm baking two cakes if we hit our numbers. It shows spirit for the team, and appreciation which comes from the heart. It shows I care.

So, will aritificial intelligence replace leaders? In my humble opinion it will not. Why not?In short: Simply because it never experienced what "family" is all about.

Keep leading!



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