Leadership in B2B sales

Welcome to the B2B sales Leadership section of my blog!

Being a sales leader is not easy, especially for the newly promoted leaders among us. I want to share with you the challenges I faced during my first steps as a leader and how I managed to overcome them. I'm not going to write anything you'll find on any other blog, nor will you find anything generated by AI. I'm writing about real life experiences, real life issues that could happen to you tomorrow or the day after. But, and this is sometimes even more important, you will also find success stories here. What makes us all get up every morning with a smile on our face? It's the positive energy we get as feedback from our teams. It's seeing how our team members are developing and helping the company grow.

Again, as this is read-only for now, feel free to reply directly to info@leadinginsales.com, perhaps you would like to share some of your success stories? Or any outstanding experiences you have had recently or in the past? Write to me and I will be happy to share them either here or, if they are really meant to teach us all, in the monthly newsletter.

Happy leading!

Dealing with under performers in your team

Yes, it happens to all leaders once in a while: Hiring mistakes. This 3min article shows 10 aspects of dealing with under performers...

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Artificial intelligence in leadership?

I noticed an interesting article about leadership being replaced by artificial intelligence. I think it's a topic which could be discussed for hours, but let me tell you what I think in three minutes...

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